Product exits from the Warehouse, Real Time Control of Stock Levels and Modernising the Flow of Operations

Product exits from the Warehouse, Real Time Control of Stock Levels and Modernising the Flow of Operations

Transfrio, Transportes Frigoríficos Internacionais, is a company that provides overland transport services and controlled temperature storage. The company’s mission consists of offering the following services: cold storage, frozen storage (up to 800- tonne capacity) and storage at room temperature, order picking services, labelling, re-palleting and daily distribution in the Lisbon and Porto zones.

Alongside its storage activity, Transfrio has a logistics services department, namely in national and international transport, with vehicle hire for direct door-to-door services, groupage, Order Picking and Cross-Docking services, bi-temperature vehicles and a controlled temperature groupage transport business with several weekly exits from Portugal to Europe (and vice-versa).

In: Newsletter SINFIC, Success Stories